Monday, August 12, 2013

Chapter 6: First Date (Part 2)


"So you decided to come to the mandir everyday after that to come see me?" she said before he even had the chance to say anything, leaving him stumped as to how she knew that.

She looked at him noticing that he wasn't saying anything and just looking at her with a somewhat shocked expression, she smiled and replied, "Piya, the girl I babysit, saw you and your car outside the mandir a couple days after the one where we met. And days after that, I'd noticed that you kept on coming."

The waiter arrived with their plates of food and set them on the table.

"But what was that you wanted to ask me," she said while beginning to feast on her pasta.

"After marriage, I will have to move to New York in order to handle our branch there. Nani has already talked with your parents about this and they have no problem, but I wanted to ask if you have any problem of moving their with me," Arnav said hesitantly not knowing what she would reply back with.

"No," she replied.

Hearing her reply, Arnav didn't know why, but he felt a bit angered. How could she just reply like that, without spending too much time thinking about it, and not explaining why she had decided that.

She could've spent more time, and replied with more than just a one word answer. They barely knew each other very well at all, but she had already decided on this?

"No?" he repeated her.

"Yeah no, I don't have a problem moving with you after marriage," Khushi said while eating her pasta.

"But how can you make that decision so quickly?" he said.

"Why? Don't you want me to come or do you want me to stay here?" she asked looking up at him.

"Of course I do, but we barely even know eachother and you already decided to move to the other side of the world with me," he said.

"You're going to be my husband, so I'll go wherever you go," she told him.

"Khushi," he said in a calmed voice, "I am happy that you agreed to this, because I was having doubts that maybe you wouldn't want to move away from your home, leave all your family and friends behind."

"But I also want you to know that just because I am going to be your husband, doesn't mean you have to agree with everything that I tell you, nor do you always have to do it; before marriage and even after. We live in the 21st century and will be equals in this relationship. You have the right to voice out your opinion to me and tell if you think differently than me," he finished off.

"Are you still okay about moving to New York with me after marriage?" he asked.

"Yeah I am," she replied with a slight smile.

"So tell me about you?" she asked.

"What do you want to know?" he asked.

"I don't know, a lot of things. You just said that we barely know each other, so tell me whatever you want about yourself," she said.

"Well I grew up here, then moved went to study abroad at Harvard. When I was younger, my parents died," he said.

"I'm really sorry to hear that," she interrupted.

"It is, but everything happens in life for a reason," he said.

"How did you get into fashion though?" she asked.

"My dad had been running the business before and since it was a family business, I was the one next in line. But I do enjoy it," he said.
The waiter came with the bill and Arnav paid for it then handed it back to him.

"Shall we go?" he asked and she nodded. Getting up from their chairs, they both made their way to exit the restaurant. At this time, the place was very busy. Many people coming in and many people leaving. The outside of the restaurant was very crowded, so Khushi moved closer towards him, making sure she didn't stumble in her steps. As they were exiting through the first pair of doors, someone bumped into Khushi making her loose her balance a bit but Arnav caught her and steadied her.

They heard a murmured "Sorry" come from that person yet they didn't even bother to turn around and check if she was fine, but instead just kept on walking inside.  Arnav moved Khushi in front of him, and nudged her to walk before him. Once outside, they were walking side by side.

"Uhm can your bring the car around to here?" Khushi asked him.

"Sure," he said, realizing that it might be too long of a walk for her in the dark, then left to get the car. Pulling the car to the curb near where she was standing, he leaned over from his seat and opened the door. Khushi sat in and they drove off.

"I told you a little bit about myself, what about you?" he asked.

"Me?" she said.

"Yeah tell me about you," he replied.

"I grew up here also, then went to college, you already know about my parents," she said and paused for a bit remembering them.

"Where do you work?" he asked trying to change the subject.

"Every morning I usually babysit Piya for a few hours because her mom parents aren't hoe, but next week she starts school so I won't have to do that anymore. But other than that I work at a bank and over the weekends volunteer at an art gallery," she said.

"Art gallery? What do you do there?" he asked.

"We usually have new pieces of art come, so I help in hanging them and setting them up. We also give art classes to kids in the afternoons on Saturdays," she said and he noticed how passionate she was about it all.

He pulled the car into her street, parking it outside her house. Khushi unbuckled her seatbelt and turned towards him, "Thank you for the dinner."

"No problem," he replied, "I'll see you again soon."

She nodded then stepped out of the car and closed the door behind her. Having only taken a few steps, she heard him calling her name then turned around to see him walking towards her.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Woh...what's your number so I can call you," he said.

She told it to him and he added her to his contacts.

"I don't have my phone with me so I can't note down yours," she said.

"I'll send you a message from mine," he said.

"Ok goodnight," she replied.

"Goodnight," he said. She walked to the door and opened it, turning around she saw that her was still there in his car waiting for her to get in safely. She waved to him and then closed the door, haring the engine of the car fade into the wind while walking up to her room.

Arnav had just gotten home when he received a phone call, "Hello," he said picking it up.

"Sir the job is done," the voice from the other side said.

1 comment:

  1. Nice update....
    Arnav s very caring nd undrstndng....
    Bt wat was that last part...???
